“The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3 NLT)
This is a great question, because it describes with uncanny accuracy what has been going on in our nation: the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same sex marriage; the rush to approve and even applaud transgender procedures; and the tolerance-screamers, who show no resemblance to what the purportedly proclaim. I could go on describing our upside-down culture, but I’ve made my point. The foundations have collapsed.
Now you may ask: “What foundations?” Those which have been laid since the beginning of our country which were based upon biblical principles and God’s law.
And you also may ask: “Who are the righteous?” Am I placing myself above those with whom I do not agree? Do I consider myself better than they?
No. In fact we are told to: Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)
“Righteous” here means those who love and obey God’s laws, and are vexed by all the unrighteous laws and decisions which seem to piling higher every day.
Still, the question stands, and needs to be answered. “What can the Righteous do?” The good news is this is not a rhetorical question. The answer actually appears in the very next verse: But the Lord is in his holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven.
So what should we do? Well, the first thing is to worship, and come before His presence. The second thing is to wait, because the LORD still rules from heaven. The third is to live life in context—in HIS context. Love God, and love your neighbor. Show those who are watching what it means to be a worshiper of God, a follower of Christ, and a keeper of God’s laws. And four, because of all those things, be an influence for righteousness and right-thinking.
Regardless where our country goes or doesn’t go, remember the LORD is in His holy Temple.